Interesting Academic Blogs and Articles

last updated: 11/26/22

On this page I am sharing interesting or important articles or blog posts related to academia. Most of the links are broadly applicable to academia, some of the articles are more specific to sociology. Although, nonetheless, they should be interesting reads for anyone. 

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This blog post is about the importance and difficulties of doing a broad literature search when doing new research. Especially challenging is finding relevant literature that is outside of your own field of expertise, and some of the consequences of being unsuccessful with a lit search.


An interesting article about the fallout from the pressures in academic of publishing in high impact-factor journals, and some of the alternatives.


A small peek at the ranking differences between generalist and specialist sociology journals. The bottom line is that sometimes being published in the highest impact-factor journal is not always the be-all and end-all of getting published.


This blog post collects the top downloaded articles in 2021 from some of the most popular sociology journals.


This article discusses some of the problems and biases that are present in academic publishing, and some suggestions for solutions.


This blog post provides some wonderful pointers to creating an effective PowerPoint presentation.
