Hello there,
Welcome! I am Azdren Coma, a doctoral candidate at Washington State University.
I created this website as a space to share some of my work (see the 'About' page and the 'Interactive CV'), but I also wanted to create a space that is a resource for fellow academics, such as my small collection of 'learning guides' and 'academic resources'.
A bit about me: I am passionate about both research and teaching. My research broadly focuses on environmental sociology and survey research methodologies.
One of my recent projects has been the creation of the Total Survey Design podcast.
In general, I love data. I like collecting data, about me, about the world around me, and I love analyzing that data to find patterns and reveal hidden meaning.
Outside of academia, I am a big Arsenal FC fan, I relax by playing Rocket League, or watching whatever the local indie theater is playing on the silver screen.
Next, visit my About page to learn more about who I am professionally.